Ratio of Views vs Tickets submitted
What is Ratio of Views vs Tickets Submitted?
Monitoring the ratio of help center views to submitted tickets helps you to see how well your customers are able to self-serve and how many inbound tickets you are able to deflect.
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How to calculate Ratio of Views vs Tickets Submitted:
total (#) of help center pageviews / total (#) of tickets submitted = Ratio of Views vs Tickets Submitted
You want the number of views to be relatively high (compared to the number of submitted tickets or calls), because you want to have more people self-serving than talking to your agents. This metric shows that customers are prioritizing your self-service solutions for help instead of using another channel to contact your support team.
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If you have recently launched a new feature, it may be possible that the number of submitted tickets will increase. If the number of submitted tickets continues to increase, you may consider adding a new article about the feature on your help center, so that users can self-serve.